
Artefact #4 second draft

After showing my fourth artefact to a group of volunteers I found that the interface was quite confusing and they didn't feel that what they wanted from the application was properly reflected, so I simplified the menu's and removed some of the original options to give a better user experience.

Home landing page when app is launched
Main Navigation Page
Ticket purchase and information page
Calendar page, dates with events are circled. Tapping on an event will lead to the ticket purchase/info page for that event.
Offers page. Each link will bring the user to a new page with relevant offers.
 Current track page. To break up the pages more I decided to combine this as a landing/menu page to find the previous tracks and also to request songs.

Socialise page/menu. Although a check-in service wasn't an overly desired option within the application, a rewards service was, this would work through the check-in so it has been included in the social menu.

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