
Artefact #1 & #2

For my first artefact I showed a group of 5 volunteers two QR codes one which linked to my blog and a second one which linked to the photo upload page of a private Facebook group which I created.
(Left image links to this blog, right image links to private facebook group image uploader)

The requirements from each participant were based on certain criteria which I felt met my target audience of regular club goers. Under the age of 32, regular user of technology to find out about events, and an owner of a smartphone which was capable of scanning a QR code such as iPhone, Android or Windows phone. Each volunteer was shown the examples and explained briefly what a QR code is and how they work, then asked to scan the code and fill in a short survey. The survey was as follows:

Artefact 1 Response Sheet

Please answer the following statements by circling the appropriate answer.
I was already aware of what a QR was (either through recognizing the barcode or through using one previously)
Yes                         No

I found the use of a QR Code easy to comprehend
Yes                         No

I had noticed QR codes used in advertising before
Yes                         No

I found the software (e.g. Google goggles) required to use the codes on my phone easy to download (if needed) and use
Yes                         No

The software worked properly first time with no need to try again
Yes                         No

I feel the QR served a purpose
Yes                         No

I found the process of accessing webpages easy through scanning a QR

Yes                         No

I was able to upload an image using the link provided on the QR code

Yes                         No

I would feel confident in using a QR code in the future
Yes                         No

Through this exercise I found that the all of participants who were mixed gender and aged between 20 and 22, were all aware of the QR code and had noticed it being used in static advertising, although some were not aware of the name. They were also unsure of the possibilities and how the information was accessed. All of them found the various soft wares on each smartphone easy to use (using iPhone, Android and Windows phones) and had no problems with scanning larger and more complicated codes. They also managed to upload images to the private Facebook group which I created to test if the average smartphone was able to cope with larger codes and more complex tasks. The thinking behind this was that at an event a code could be scanned in, which members of the public could then upload their photographs to a social network, in this instance a Facebook group which can then be accessed by other people who attended the event/who are members of that group or 'like' a specific page.

I feel that this artefact was successful and my findings have lead me on to try and place a QR code in motion and see how well it works. I have previously put motion behind an existing code in the short footage here which worked and was able to be scanned. However I'd like to push this and see if it works when animated.

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